Beta-Reader Approved and My Experiences

It's been a while since I've uploaded and finished the first chapter, regrettably. However, I would like to make note that while it might not be good for me and my audience in the long run, for this instance, Death Roulette: July Chapter actually turned out better than I had thought it would.
I thought it was going to be boring as heck with what I originally chose as the central plotline for this chapter (June and the future eight chapters will have essentially at least one central plotline that may be unique when compared to the rest). Once I realized that, the VN stands as it is now. Chalk it up to learning from previous experiences (writing novels, short stories, the previous chapter, etc.), but this is so far one of my refined works. It is better than the previous chapter, as my beta reader stated. I can probably thank Ace Attorney and the When They Cry series for that. Only while writing have I learned to use effects (visual or audio) to enhance the player/reader's experience.
Now, I have a much clearer path to follow for the future storyline. I might make August Chapter a traditional VN-ish story, because of plot reasons (read the VN first, don't ask why. ;) ) and since the story is already transitioning into Act II, if this was a five-act play. It would still be a kinetic novel, though.
I guess I should probably continue with the current work ethics with regards to Death Roulette, and possibly any future projects. For now, let's just leave the story as it is.
What do you think will happen? What do you suggest? Take the accompanying image however you wish. Everything will unfold slowly as the story progresses. I may not be active in forums like lemmasoft or fuwanovel. There are things happening in the real world, too. I am always checking if there are comments that warrant any reply.
See you around when this gets released!
- Jamie
Get Death Roulette: July Chapter
Death Roulette: July Chapter
Who's Next, I Wonder?
Status | Released |
Author | Jamie D.W. |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Tags | death, Horror, Kinetic Novel, Mystery, Ren'Py, roulette |
Languages | English |
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- All set!Sep 10, 2018
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